52 Ancestors – School Days- Mrs. Putnam

Mrs. Putnam 1957-58
Mrs. Putnam


School Days, School Days
Dear olde golden rule days,
Reading and writing and arithmetic
taught to the tune of a hickory stick.

I have had that tune in my head for the last three days. Hopefully by passing it on to you I have ridden my self of that limerick. As you can see this weeks challenge was School Days. Most schools in my area started back this week. “Back in my day” we generally did not start school until after Labor day. Today some start as early as the middle of August. You would think that Arizona would wait until the last possible moment to begin what with the lack of snow days, but no they are one of the early ones to start. I digress this is an Ancestry blog.

My mother was Mrs. Putnam. She began substitute teaching about 1944. At Carrie Barnett school in Visalia California she taught a variety of classes from first grade to eighth grade. In 1952 she began teaching full time as a fourth grade teacher at Carrie Barnett. (Remember to click on photo’s to enlarge.)

Teaching Certificate California State Board of Education 1943 & 1952
Teaching Certificate
California State Board of Education
1943 & 1952
Carrie Barnett School Mrs. Putnam 4th Grade October 21 , 1952
Carrie Barnett School
Mrs. Putnam
4th Grade
October 21 , 1952 & October 6, 1953

Mom started at Mother Lode School in the Diamond Springs Area in 1956.  Once she was hired at Mother Lode School she taught 5th grade and sometimes P.E. (Physical Education).

School Directory of El Dorado County Schools pg 8 & 9
School Directory of
El Dorado County Schools
pg 8 & 9
Mother Lode School Mrs. Putnam Grade 5 March 21, 1957
Mother Lode School
Mrs. Putnam
Grade 5
March 21, 1957

Mom kept all the class pictures. Many students remembered her in later years and continued to send her their school photo and High School graduation invitation, which she kept.

In 1960 Dorothy Ada Putnam was issued a lifetime teachers certificate shown below as a Life Diploma.

Teacher Ceriticates 3

In 1962 through 1964 the class photo’s are designated as Marshal Lode School.

Marshall Lode School 1963-1964
Marshall Lode School 1963-1964

In 1964 due to physical & health reasons my mother had to take a leave of absence. She did so with a heavy heart. Later that fall she was given tenure.

Mother Lode Union School District Letter of Tenure Mrs. Dorothy Putnam
Mother Lode Union School District
Letter of Tenure
Mrs. Dorothy Putnam


For the school year 1968 & 1969 she has only the staff photo for Herbert C. Green School. That was most likely her last year teaching. From about 1966 until she retired she was on crutches and mostly did team teaching at Charles F. Brown. and/or Herbert C. Green, she also tutored. After retiring she continued to tutor from her home.